Source: BHF

Figuring out how to engage learners with CPR training is something that should be a top priority for communities, organisations, and businesses across the UK. Whether it’s a school, workplace, or simply a social group, ensuring that CPR training is made as accessible as possible is crucial.

When it comes to engagement, we believe that online training can be a powerful tool. Not only can it build confidence and competence, but it also raises awareness and publicity when it comes to crucial CPR skills.

One of the strongest examples of this at work is the British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) RevivR app, which was recently endorsed by prominent footballers as an excellent tool for improving your resuscitation competence. Here, we’ll look into how the BHF RevivR app helps CPR training become more accessible and engaging.

What is the RevivR App?

Launched in 2022, the BHF’s RevivR app is a first-of-its-kind training tool that aims to teach CPR in just 15 minutes. RevivR can give anyone the confidence to intervene in those crucial moments in order to save a life in a medical emergency.

With more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurring every year in the UK and with survival rates of only 10%, it’s clear that improving CPR awareness and competence is crucial.

Backed by leading corporate partners, including Travelodge, Tesco, and Royal Mail, the RevivR app has seen excellent feedback. Utilising the community reach of these organisations, as well as notable celebrity endorsement, the RevivR has seen a surge in popularity that can only be a good thing when it comes to strengthening the chain of survival.

the BHF RevivR app in use in someone's hand

Source: North Riding FA

How Does the BHF App Help with CPR Training?

The key focus of the RevivR app is providing easy-to-understand CPR training for total newcomers. To this end, the app is entirely free and can be downloaded to any tablet or smartphone.

How does the training work?

Through the RevivR app, you’ll cover several crucial aspects of Basic Life Support (BLS) skills. You will:

  • Build Confidence: The ergonomic, step-by-step training teaches users how to identify a cardiac arrest and the best ways to react in an emergency situation.
  • Practice Emergency Calls: You’ll find out when to call 999 and what to expect with a simulated practice call, ensuring you’re as prepared as possible.
  • Perfect Your CPR Technique: RevivR gives you simple, user-focused feedback on your resuscitation technique. This helps you to make sure your practice is perfect.
  • How to Use a Defibrillator: The app also tells you how and when to use a defib, as well as where you can find your nearest one.

It’s not just for individuals, either.

One of the most impressive ways that the BHF’s app makes CPR training more accessible is in its scalability. You can train your organisation or classroom in the basics of resuscitation totally free of charge in a way that’s approachable and non-intimidating.

It’s Also Endorsed by Cardiac Arrest Survivors

The way in which the BHF RevivR app helps CPR training has been spoken about recently by three prominent current and former footballers, all of whom experienced out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Fabrice Muamba (Bolton Wanderers), Tom Lockyer (Luton Town and Wales), and Charlie Wyke (Wigan Athletics) have all undergone cardiac arrests while playing for their respective clubs.

Muamba, Lockyer, and Wyke on a BBC interview.

Above: (Left to right) Fabrice Muamba, Tom Lockyer, and Charlie Wyke.

Source: BBC

Fortunately, due to the presence of medical staff and equipment, all three of the players survived and made full recoveries. They’ve since used their platform to raise awareness of the dangers of cardiac arrests and to build engagement for CPR training.

Speaking to the BBC, Tom Lockyer encouraged viewers to “go on the British Heart Foundation website” and added that “the RevivR tool on there will teach you CPR in as little as 15 minutes.” Lockyer went on to reinforce that the app “does save lives.”

Combining RevivR with High-Quality CPR Training Manikins

The RevivR app’s strength is in its ability to teach users CPR with little to no equipment. However, by combining this tool with a high-quality CPR training manikin, you can see a significant increase in the competence and quality of your and your learners’ resuscitation.

The Brayden Advanced manikin encourages learners to understand the ‘how and why’ of CPR. Innovative LEDs give instant feedback on resuscitation quality by displaying blood flow to the brain and vital organs, as well as the efficacy of chest compressions. This feature has been academically shown to improve CPR training outcomes as well as learner satisfaction.

Flexible Finance

Having partnered with a wide range of organisations across the UK, we understand the importance of making CPR training equipment as accessible as possible, which is why we offer flexible leasing and finance options. The aim of these is to empower communities to provide themselves with the best equipment to strengthen the chain of survival.

We’re Passionate About Supporting You to Save Lives

For WEL Medical, our business isn’t just about shifting boxes. We’re dedicated to working with people, communities, and businesses to raise awareness of lifesaving skills to make a difference when it matters most.

Over the years, we’ve built strong relationships with healthcare professionals, charities, and key opinion leaders. The collaborative approach we take is reflected in our trusted reputation, as are our ethical working practices that ensure we’re a responsible member of the community.

You can find out more about our commitments and values by following the links or by getting in touch with our team today.

a call to action image encouraging readers to upgrade their resuscitation training

Further Reading