In Conversation with Cardiac Arrest Survivor and BLS Fundraiser Neil Davidson

Above: Neil Davidson Image Source: Halifax Courier On [...]

By |2024-07-03T10:04:04+00:00July 3, 2024|Defibs, Lifesaving Advice|Comments Off on In Conversation with Cardiac Arrest Survivor and BLS Fundraiser Neil Davidson

Exploring the Circuit: The UK’s National Defibrillator Network

Source: Resuscitation Council UK In the UK, the [...]

By |2024-07-03T13:47:06+00:00June 28, 2024|Defibs, DefibSafe News, iPAD News, Lifesaving Advice|Comments Off on Exploring the Circuit: The UK’s National Defibrillator Network

How to Access Funding for Your Local Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Sudden cardiac arrests are among the leading causes of death [...]

By |2023-03-31T19:52:10+00:00March 17, 2023|Defibs, Defibs for Football|Comments Off on How to Access Funding for Your Local Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
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